Friday, 12 September 2008

"We live in a beautiful world"

E un vers din poate melodia preferata de la Coldplay. Din vreo 25 august sunt un pachetel de energie gata sa explodeze. Sunt super happy, cu zambetul pe buze gata sa ajut pe oricine. Be happy for living in this wonderful world! Am atatia oameni minunati in jurul meu... Muzica este un alt lucru esential ce tine totul viu. Damn, I love Coldplay, Pink Floyd and all the jazz in the world. I love you guys. Suntem tineri, suntem liberi sa facem orice. Ascultati melodia voastra preferata. Dansati singuri in camera. Feel the energy mate! Traim intro-o lume cu atatea descoperiri stiintifice si cu asa o tehnologie avansata. Nu trebuie sa ne spalam hainele cu sapunul la parau, avem atatea mijloace de informare, comunicarea se face extrem de usor. Mergeti si profitati de fiecare secunda a vietii voastre. Duceti-va la persoana iubita si spuneti-i ce aveti de spus. Don't wait. Act.

Probabil cel mai subiectiv post al meu dar am simtit ca trebuie sa il scriu.


Andreea89 said...

dude, you are in love!!!!

norbi said...

is that a must in this equation? you're right, i'm in love love! with everybody!

.raoul said...

andreea, let the boy alone!
he just had sex. Dont you remember how it felt the first time you had (good) sex?

norbi said...

i am saying something and you are understanding something totally different. ce oameni :)) i was just happy... very cheerful and i was in a very good mood. you understood the whole thing wrong :))

and raoul: i hope you're joking. just in case. some other people can understand smth very diefferent